学术报告-Unifying Local Outlier Detection Methods via Graph Neural Networks
报告题目:Unifying Local Outlier Detection Methods via Graph Neural Networks
报告专家:See-Kiong Ng(黄思强)新加坡国立大学计算学院教授
报告时间:2022年12月21日 上午10:00
报告地点:腾讯会议(ID: 678-713-690)
主办单位:中国矿业大学 必发集团全部平台首页
As data grows in abundance and importance for decision-making in many industries, anomaly detection methods that are fast, accurate and automated are increasingly vital. Many well-established anomaly detection methods use the distance of a sample to those in its local neighbourhood: so-called `local outlier methods', such as LOF and DBSCAN. They are popular for their simple principles and strong performance on unstructured, feature-based data that is commonplace in many practical applications. However, they cannot learn to adapt for a particular set of data due to their lack of trainable parameters. In this work, we begin by unifying local outlier methods by showing that they are particular cases of the more general message passing framework used in graph neural networks. This allows us to introduce learnability into local outlier methods, in the form of a neural network, for greater flexibility and expressivity: specifically, we propose LUNAR, a novel, graph neural network-based anomaly detection method. LUNAR learns to use information from the nearest neighbours of each node in a trainable way to find anomalies. We show that our method performs significantly better than existing local outlier methods, as well as state-of-the-art deep baselines. We also show that the performance of our method is much more robust to different settings of the local neighbourhood size.
Speaker bio:
See-Kiong Ng (Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University) is a Professor of Practice at the Department of Computer Science of the School of Computing at National University of Singapore (NUS), and the Deputy Director of the university’s Institute of Data Science. See-Kiong obtained his Bachelor (1989), Masters (1993), and Ph.D. (1998) degrees in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University and a Masters (1991) degree in Artificial Intelligence from University of Pennsylvania. Prior to joining NUS in 2016, See-Kiong was a Programme Director of the Urban Systems Initiative by the Science and Engineering Research Council of the Agency of Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), and the founding head and principle scientist of its Data Mining Department. Currently, See-Kiong’s mission at NUS is to leverage his data science and AI expertise for transdisciplinary and translational research into important real-life problems and education of the next generation of data scientists. From using the computation of data to better understand the biology of the human body, See-Kiong is using machine learning and artificial intelligence to understand the “biology” of complex human cities and societies and creating real-world impact with the science of data.